I fought my way to the room where the guy is held captive in the cell. Finally it's best to save SFK for last as it is the hardest one to solo. You don't even have to go inside the instance, just kill some of the Naga outside the instance until it drops. This can be obtained in BFD and it drops off Naga mobs. The next part is to collect a corrupted Kor gem. This is very easy to do solo, you will probably only have to fight a few of the ogres to get to the ore which is sitting there right in the open. For the next part you have to pick up some ore in the elite ogre area in Loch Modan. Usually it is easy to find a group and I doubt this is soloable in the low 20s. The first is to collect the wood from Deadmines. Alternatively, as previously mentioned, he may have met Baron Ashbury during his time with Crowley before becoming a worgen.Comment by DoranosThere are 4 parts to the quest to get this.
He may be the former owner of the Ivar Patch in Silverpine Forest, considering Ivar the Foul was removed and thus possibly retconned.This would make sense, as Crowley previously lorded over the lands north of the wall meaning that they would have been working with him as their lord.

Given that Ivar came from Silverpine Forest alongside the rest of his pack, and that he knew and blamed Crowley for abandoning him it's likely that Ivar and his men were once part of, or supporters of, the Northgate rebels.It should not be taken as representing official lore. This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. This was changed, giving him different fur, face selection, and a unique unobtainable set of armor to differentiate him from the rest of the Bloodfang. In the beta, he used a more generic-looking feral worgen model.Seek and Destroy refers to him as Ivus Bloodfang, likely a mistake.The Bloodfang will hunt the Forsaken to extinction. You'd best hurry if you want any of the spoils.What a pathetic lock! Godfrey is going to have to try harder than this if he wants to defeat us.We will stand idle no longer! The time to act is now!.Follow me, I'll open the courtyard so that you can spearhead our assault. We have to push forward if we're to put an end to him.My men will dispose of this sorry bag of bones. My pack should have already taken care of Godfrey by now. I don't know why the door is closed, heroes.My pack will show them the true face of the worgen and the relentless fury that comes with our presence! Crowley is a disgrace to our kind for giving in to the Forsaken.Control yourselves! We're here for Godfrey's head above all else.The Bloodfang come for you, worgen hunters!.Attack, my brothers! Make him feel the fury of the pack!.Following the Stormpike Apocalypse Ivar was also encountered in Shadowfang Keep where he directed his Bloodfang pack and the Alliance adventurers in hunting the traitorous Lord Godfrey. He was later seen working with the Stormpike forces on Purgation Isle.

Following the retreat, he was very close to being a feral worgen. When Sylvanas captured Lorna Crowley and used her as a bargaining chip with Darius, Ivar was shocked at his immediate retreat and surrender, going so far as to call him a miserable bastard before leading his pack back into the contested Gilneas. He also came with Darius to Fenris Isle to convert the Refugee Leadership to worgen. Īfter this, he and Crowley launched a mass of sneak attacks and ambushes on the forces of Sylvanas Windrunner, at one point even killing part of her elite guard and almost killing the Horde character along with them. On the outside of the battles in Silverpine Forest, a Horde adventurer witnessed Ivar make an alliance with Lord Darius Crowley. He also blamed Greymane for, what he perceived, as making Crowley soft.

He blamed Crowley and Greymane for abandoning and leaving his people to die beyond the Greymane Wall. Prior to the outbreak of the worgen in Silverpine Forest, Ivar worked with Darius Crowley to an unknown capacity.